Welcome to
a breathtaking,
and liberating 
exploration of the
Nature of Thought.

My invitation is for you to explore the all-encompassing role that your thoughts and beliefs play in your work, relationships, and your relationship with what we call our "self". Herein lies the key to a freer, calmer, and more authentic life.

In our fast-paced world, we're often taught to seek answers in complex brain science and countless ’mindset’ strategies. Yet, despite all these efforts, true fulfillment still seems out of reach, leaving many of us feeling disconnected, anxious and tremendous suffering in silence. Why? Because we're trying to fix internal issues with external solutions.

Traditional methods focus on the brain, setting goals, and hundreds of strategies for coping and managing, but they often miss the deeper truths of our existence. My approach goes beyond these methods, focusing on the deeper nature of thought and awareness. This helps us lead a life more in line with truth and integrity. It increases our capacity for empathy, to handle whatever comes up, for finding more contentment in everyday experiences, and opens up space to be more creative and productive.

Imagine letting go of past regrets and future worries, and embracing the peace that is already within you. This is the essence of my work—helping you see through the illusions of the 'self' and tapping into the deeper intelligence that lies beyond.

This understanding represents a big shift from traditional coaching. It's about realizing that we're more than just our thoughts and intellect, which we often protect and defend at the cost of our health and relationships.

True change starts with you. We come into this life with nothing and leave with nothing. The real purpose of life is to understand who we truly are, and we have our whole lives to explore this.

Are you ready to start this journey of self-discovery? Join me as we explore the mind's mysteries and uncover the extraordinary potential within each of us.

It all starts with a conversation - book yours here.

To Leadership Coaching 

Welcome to a journey of leadership that goes beyond the usual and steps into the extraordinary – where the power lies not in mastering external strategies, but in the profound exploration of the mind. Are you ready to step into the unknown and redefine your leadership journey?  

To Private/Life Coaching

Do you live with recurring feelings of anxiety, worry, and stress? Understanding the nature of thought means living with increased ease and a profound sense of connection and harmony with oneself, with others, and with the eternal, ever-changing flow of life. Is it time to make peace with your thoughts?


  • Suzanne Lång

    ““Suzanne conveys this challenging subject in a highly enthusiastic, excellent, and clear manner. She is truly passionate about the topic and helping her fellow human beings. She is incredibly generous with both her knowledge, experiences, accessibility, and deepest goodwill towards us participants. I highly recommend this course for those seeking tools to manage their burdensome and challenging thoughts in a better, more peaceful way.””

    (Participant in my 5-week live course “You in 9”)

  • Suzanne Lång

    “Imagine that something that sounds so simple and obvious can be so difficult. With Suzanne’s gentle, yet purposeful coaching, I have gone through a powerful and inspiring inner journey. I discovered an important piece of the puzzle that I had not even realized was missing. Once the penny dropped, the tears came. The insight was so strong and deep that it has changed me and my attitude to life in general.”


  • Suzanne Lång

    “It feels so reassuring to listen to you. What you have to say feels so important and right, and your own sense of security brings calmness and credibility to it all.”

    Engineer, High School Teacher

  • Suzanne Lång

    “Suzanne is amazing. She has a completely holistic approach to her coaching and truly sees you for who you are. She helped me see through what I found challenging and recognized strengths where I saw weaknesses. But above all, she dared to challenge my way of thinking and encouraged seeing things from new perspectives, which can be really uncomfortable at times, but oh so rewarding and helpful! The journey I took with Suzanne as my coach has been incredibly valuable, both for me as a leader in my work and in my personal life.”

    Site Manager

Download our free e-Book
“Pointers to Freedom”!

We are 17 individuals from 5 different continents, all working in some way with well-being and change based on the power of thought and the awareness from which everything arises.

Each of us has contributed with our response to the question:

'For someone interested in Non-Duality and Freedom, what is your best current "advice" or message?'

Here you will find 17 different answers, all pointing in the same direction: Freedom from fear, stress, and anxiety.

Download for free!
Cover pointers free ebook